Helping You Rebuild Confidence and Learn the Skills Required to Find “The One”
Whether you are long term single, newly divorced, divorced for over a decade, or were married to your career, there is love out there for you and I can help you find it!
Why Dating Skills alone are not enough
Do you believe that dating skills are all you need to find love? You’re not alone: Many people think they’ll find the love of their life by succeeded in attracting a partner, and by telling them the right things, at the right time.
What if I told you though that dating skills alone won’t get there.
That finding a partner is the easy part and that creating a healthy relationship is where most people struggle.
I help my clients to successfully make long-lasting changes that have a real impact on their love lives by
Getting freedom from your past - Letting go of the beliefs and fears from your past relationships
Creating unshakeable Self-Esteem - Rebuilding your self-esteem, self-worth and understanding your true value so you have strong boundaries and won’t settle
Rediscovering Deep Authenticity - Understand your true self and the profile of your ideal partner, one who you are truly compatible with
Gaining rock-solid Security - Becoming free from anxiety in your relationship so you can show up as self-confident and secure
Developing Deep Connections - Learning how to create that deep, soul connection you have been longing for with your forever partner
Building Unbreakable Trust - Creating a healthy loving relationship with a unbreakable sense of trust and commitment

After years of helping singles create extraordinary relationships there is one thing I know for sure.
“You must first Become The One, before you will Find The One”
- Kelly Brandli
Finding The One starts with understanding yourself and your patterns
If you feel like you keep repeating the same patterns in your relationships.
If you have had relationships with different types of people, but still find that you are people pleasing, over-giving, and settling for less than you deserve
If you are ready to break free from your patterns and find The One then let me guide you through the 3 key steps of my Signature Process.
The One Signature Process™

If you have been struggling to create the relationship of your dreams, then you are in the right place.
In 2013, my marriage ended and I spent 8 years frustrated with loneliness, fear and the loss of hope that I would ever find love again.
Finally, after years of studying the science behind love and dating, I learned what it takes to create an extraordinary relationship.
Today, I have an amazing partner and a love life beyond anything I ever imagined was possible. Looking back, I see that I would never have the relationship I do today if I hadn’t taken the time to learn what it takes to be a loving, caring partner.
- Kelly Brandli
"Kelly's skills as a Relationship Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation Top Coaches List, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry."
Client Success Stories
“Enrolling in the Dating Mastery program was truly a transformative experience that exceeded my expectations.”
-Caroline M
“My experience with Kelly has been life changing. In just 12 weeks, she has guided me from being in a miserable and hopeless situation to having a brighter than ever perspective of life.”
“What an experience! I keep on telling my close friends that this has probably been the best investment in my adult life!”