10 Tips to Help Singles Thrive this Holiday Season
’Tis the season to be jolly, right?!
And yet for many people, being single during the holiday season can feel challenging and lonely. Perhaps you find yourself going into survival mode and either gritting your teeth and pushing through or wanting to close the door and shut out the world until it’s all over.
But what if I told you that there are ways to not only survive the holiday season but to actually thrive through this time?
As a Dating and Relationship Coach, I’ve had a lot of first-hand experience supporting my clients during the holidays. And, as a previously single divorced mum, I can fully understand how hard this time of year can be.
So, today I want to share with you my 10 tips that will help you to really thrive this Christmas.
TIP ONE: Embrace being single and do the things you enjoy
The holiday season is the perfect time to do things you often dream of doing but rarely find the time for. Maybe you’d love to spend time wandering amongst the stalls at a Christmas market and soaking in the atmosphere without being tied to someone else’s schedule.
Or perhaps you keep promising yourself a visit to the spa to indulge yourself in some pampering, but life always seems to get in the way.
Christmas is the perfect time to fill your days with things that are deliciously nourishing and just for you.
TIP TWO: Step back from romanticising the holidays
When the holiday season rolls round, it can feel like wherever you turn you’re flooded with romanticised visions of Christmas.
From social media and adverts on TV, to Christmas movies old and new, it’s hard to get away from the romantic propaganda of beautiful couples in love, and perfect family gatherings around glamorously decorated Christmas trees.
But when you allow yourself to step back and take a more realistic view of the holidays, you come to realise that all this shiny, sparkly veneer can be just an illusion, and things are not as romantic as we’re led to believe.
Honestly, for most people the holiday season is stressful! There’s all the last-minute shopping because, shock horror, the shops close for one day, and preparations for a dinner that feels like you’re feeding the five thousand.
And then of course there’s the family members that you grit your teeth and endure until they’ve gone and you’re flooded with relief that you only have to be in their company once a year!
TIP THREE: Have a social media detox
At any time of year taking breaks from social media is good for the soul. This is especially true at Christmas when everyone is in overdrive posting their carefully curated and heavily filtered images and reels for all the world to see.
If you’re dreading seeing other people's lavish turkey dinners or another holiday engagement from someone you haven’t spoken to in over a decade, then a social media detox is hands down one of the best holiday gifts you can give yourself.
And remember, people only post the very best moments of their lives – the mundane moments or the cremated Christmas dinners never see the light of day. So, avoid ‘comparisonitis’ and avoid other people’s ‘picture perfect highlights’.
TIP FOUR: Create some new rituals and traditions
Christmas traditions are not just for families and couples. Just because you’re single it doesn’t mean you have to forgo the fun of the holidays, sitting at home alone!
Why not create your own traditions and rituals? What kind of things would you love to do with your future partner that would make this time of year feel special?
Whatever they are, start doing them this year.
Maybe you want to make an occasion of dressing your tree, making eggnog, or baking Christmas treats. Whatever it is, don’t put it off for the future, create those things now so that when you meet your new partner you have your own special traditions to bring to the relationship.
TIP FIVE: Work on your own self-development and personal growth
Time off over the holiday season gives you the perfect opportunity to invest in yourself. Focusing on your personal growth is a great way to connect with yourself and do things that will move you forward, so you can kick off the new year feeling energised and ready to go!
Perhaps you want to learn a new skill or take an intensive language course. Or maybe you want to work on your dating and relationship skills so you’re ready to meet your future partner.
Whatever your desire is, give yourself the gift of time this Christmas to go all in on yourself and expand your horizons.
TIP SIX: Plan a solo trip
This can be a fabulous time of year to bag yourself a bargain, upgrade, or special treatment on single travel because generally fewer people will be traveling to the more common summer holiday destinations.
It’s such a great opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone a little and do something you wouldn’t normally do or visit a country or city that you’ve not been too before.
TIP SEVEN: Know how to answer the dreaded question, “Why are you still single?”
Often, when it comes to this question, the usual advice you’ll hear is try to avoid answering it because it’s rude and no one else's business.
But…hold on, with a reframe this question can actually be a great opportunity!
What if, instead of running for the hills when the question inevitably comes tumbling out of someone’s mouth, you enroll their help in your search for the perfect partner? I know, crazy right?
Imagine what might be available if your response was “I haven’t met The One yet, but perhaps you could help me? Maybe you know someone who…?” And then give them a clear description of the type of partner you’re looking for and the values you want them to have.
People love to matchmaker, and you just never know if your perfect partner is connected to someone in your social circle and your future partner is just one introduction away!
When you look at the research, being set up with someone is still one of the top three ways to meet your partner, so don’t overlook this opportunity during the holiday season.
TIP EIGHT: Learn to date yourself
When you’re getting ready to meet your partner, a great thing to do is to learn to date yourself.
One of the biggest reasons single people dread the holidays is because friends with partners and those visiting family are unavailable, which forces you to confront the reality that you don’t like being alone.
That’s where dating yourself comes in.
Learning to treat yourself and enjoy your own company means there’s never a reason to worry about being alone. You have The One with you all the time (that’s you!) and over time you’ll start to enjoy your “me” time and even look forward to it.
Doing things like going to a restaurant on your own and enjoying your own company will build your self-confidence massively, and this will transfer over to how you present yourself when you do meet your future partner.
TIP NINE: Start a singles holiday tradition
Maybe you want to consider the idea of spending the holidays with other singles. You could invite people to your house to spend the day with you, or you could arrange a get-together at a local restaurant or at someone else’s house, and everyone brings a dish so it’s not a huge burden on anyone person.
You just never know what great people you might meet who are also in your situation – perhaps you’ll meet your future wing woman/man to attend singles events with.
TIP TEN: Buy yourself some presents for under the tree
Why not spoil yourself and buy some special gifts just for you and pop them under the tree. That way you get the double joy of enjoying the experience of shopping for something lovely for yourself, as well as having presents to open on the big day.
And for single parents, you could write “from Santa” on the labels and, regardless of your children's age, enjoy the fun of playing with the fantasy. Your kids will likely know you bought them, but you get to teach them an important lesson of knowing you’re worth treating and that you take care of yourself.
So, there you have it. I really hope you find these tips helpful, and you’re inspired to put some or all of them into action. And most of all I hope that this year you’ll feel peace and happiness during the holiday season and move into the new year feeling rejuvenated and excited.
If you’re ready to find The One and would like to find out more about how I can help you, please book a free, no-obligation Clarity Call. On this call, more you’ll learn more about How Dating Coaching can help you create the love life you’ve been dreaming about and how we can take your life from good to great next year!
CLICK HERE to book your call – I can’t wait to speak with you!